Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson  have been working out in the off-season… I can see them now, bellies paunched from daily bucketfuls of  Gus’ fried chicken, marching back and forth in their bedrooms, shaking age-spotted fists in the mirror demanding justice for the po’ black folk who are being oppressed in this nation. Clicking through news channels waiting for the call.

They’ve been riding the pine in the minor leagues just waiting to get called back up to the “SHOW”. Have they been to the Show before? Yeah they were in the Show once – some of the greatest days of their lives. You know, you never handle your own picket sign in the show, somebody else carries your hate message on a stick. It was great. You holler at white folks through bullhorns for batting practice, the 3 block stretch leading up to most city halls are like cathedrals, the hotels all have fried catfish, and the women all have short legs and large ‘backsides’.

Credentials – these boys were the PIONEERS of achieving fame without actual merit or accomplishment. Paris Hilton, the Kardashian Klan (easy boys only two ‘K’s’ used there with the word Klan) the cast of Jersey Shore and Flava Flav all have these true legends to thank for becoming famous for not one damn-good reason.

January 21st 2012 in Memphis, TN – at 2am – an innocent black man in his mid-twenties was shot, while sitting in his car listening to the radio absolutely minding his own business.  This is Memphis – home to the Lorraine Motel where Dr. Martin Luther King himself was shot and killed. Home to the Civil Rights Museum. Home to the most famous black event since Cain was born due to the sanitation workers strike.  If there was EVER a theatre for “SHARPSON” (my couples name for Sharpton & Jackson) to take center stage over an innocent black boy being shot THIS IS THE PLACE.

My question is a simple one…

  • Where are they?
  • Why aren’t they here?
  •  Why aren’t they calling for an escalation of civil disobedience on Beale Street?
  • What makes this black boys shooting a non-event for the good Reverends?
  • Why isn’t Jesse busing in his illegitimate kids to help increase the numbers of protestors?
  • Why isn’t Lebron James writing this boys name on his big ass sneakers?
  • Not even ONE Memphis Grizzly player acknowledged this poor black boys plight… hell not even one Harlem Globetrotter phoned in just to see if there’s a headline to grab.

The answer is a simple one…

  • The shooter was black.

What’s the takeaway here?  It is the fact that Sharpton & Jackson and B-Ho Obama himself don’t give a damn about  Trayvon the black boy innocently gunned down… they only care that they called up to the Show and there’s a stage.  Lebron and his hoody’d homies also only care about the spotlight, not the boy.  Thousands of young black males are dying every year, victims to violent crimes, and are lucky if they even get more than a wreath of flowers from a grieving mother on the crack corner where they went down. Nobody gives a damn about them because it is Black-on-Black crime. And the good pseudo Reverends Sharpton & Jackson simply don’t care.  They perpetually wait for someone OTHER than a black man to knock the Race chip off their shoulder.  I say we finally put them to rest and just give those two their 40 acres and a mule they’ve been crying they haven’t received yet… OR better yet just put the equivalent dollar amount on both of their EBT cards.  Maybe just maybe they’ll go away quietly.



 I just changed from the free site so I could do a few more things with a host. Especially with pic’s and videos due to large file size. Please change any directories or links to this site to the new one. I would really appreciate it. I will continue to comment with the new URL so if you don’t see this, you will be getting new stuff via comment or email.

This site will stay up for a month or so.


Switching Site to New Host

Posted: March 22, 2012 in Uncategorized

I have transferred the site to a new host. But  I lost quite a bit in the migration.  Stay tuned for info.

Here is a golf partner to play around with while you wait.

The idiot can’t cover his ass on this one. His administration has orchestrated every phase to get the “alternative energy” fairy dust up and running.

“This was not our program, per se. Congress — Democrats and Republicans — put together a loan guarantee program because they understood historically that when you get new industries, it’s easy to raise money for startups, but if you want to take them to scale, oftentimes there’s a lot of risk involved, and what the loan guarantee program was designed to do was to help start up companies get to scale,” [Obama] said.


I know this is an old image.

But it is still appropriate.

I Love Sheriff Joe

Posted: March 21, 2012 in Uncategorized
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The guy is a patriot! Made the inmates live like….well….inmates, in pink boxers. Not to mention his “Posse” investigating Obama.

Pink underwear absolutely the most arrogant thing I have ever heard of from a political figure. He just did not give a shit what anybody thought.

Tents in 100+ degree heat because they did not have enough room Sheriff Joe said, “It’s 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents, have to wear full body armor, and they didn’t commit any crimes, so shut your mouths.”

No cable TV, Internet, or sexually explicit materials – banned inmates from possessing “sexually explicit material” including Playboy magazine after female officers complained that inmates openly masturbated while viewing them

Feeding inmates peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, surplus food,and limiting meals to twice daily. (poor babies)

Arpaio reinstituted chain gangs. In 1996, he expanded the chain gang concept by instituting female volunteer chain gangs.

We need more Sheriff Joes in this world!

Test Post

Posted: March 21, 2012 in Uncategorized

Gotta see if I can get this thing sequenced right……be patient.

Morning Break

Posted: March 21, 2012 in Uncategorized
Tags: , , , , , ,

Trying to get this post to find it’s palce in sequence, having issues. Like the old saying goes, tire’s or tit’s your gonna have problems. Damn.

Since I seem to get spikes in traffic with a little skin….here ya go.

I don’t Know Why….

Posted: March 21, 2012 in Uncategorized

….my latest posts are not posting in the order they are being created. Apparently WordPress likes the ladies also, it is keeping the cowgirls on as top post.

I can’t believe these piece of shit leaders we have are doing this. La Raza is the spanish movement to get the land back from the Hidalgo Agreement, which is Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and parts of Utah and Colorado, also known as Aztlan. They want the land and will redistribute property owned by Americans.

So our idiots in washington do this:

The Housing and Urban Development Department is spending $42 million in federal funding for “housing counseling.” The money is going to far left groups, including La Raza, for free assistance on foreclosure avoidance.

The New American reported:

The Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) is doling out $42 millionin federal funding for housing counseling grants to 468 local, regional, and national organizations. Intended to prevent foreclosures and assist new home buyers, the grants will offer free assistance on foreclosure avoidance as well as educate buyers on how to rent or purchase a home. HUD alleges that beneficiaries of these services will help combat predatory lending practices, because buyers will be equipped with information to help them evade mortgage scams, high interest rates, and unreasonably high appraisals.

“The HUD-approved counseling agencies this funding supports are crucial in helping struggling families on a one-to-one basis to manage their money, navigate the homebuying process, and secure their financial futures,” asserted HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. “Housing counseling works for families that are in need, but also for entire neighborhoods and our housing market more broadly.”

The funding stems from the fiscal 2012 budget that reinstated HUD-approved counseling services after Congress slashed such funding in 2011. According to HUD, the funding supplements the $2.5 billion supplied to states for housing programs as an extension of the federal government’s $25-billion mortgage servicing settlement.

A handful of those “HUD-approved” organizations include high-profile liberal activist groups. One of the organizations, the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) — which in Spanish means “the Race” — harvested roughly $1.7 million from the federal housing agency. The largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group in the nation, the NCLR works on a myriad of social and economic issues pertaining to the Hispanic community, including labor, housing, education, and healthcare.

What part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA don’t these bastards understand?

Sit here and blog?


….MUST ….GO…


The only good thing about these windmills by my golf course is we can  tell IF the wind is blowing and what direction. Expensive wind sock.